the Michael Pages


Monday, May 31, 2004

These last few weeks of school are gonna be fun as hell, quite possibly the most fun I'll have in the year. But at the same time, its going to kill me because I'm under so much pressure. For example, go take a look at the events page. Those are only the things that are happening that I can remember from the top of my head, not including all the personal activities I'll be partcipiating in. The orchestra party has come and gone, so that's one activity down, like 30 more to go, most of which won't be so fun.

Today, I woke up at 7:30 and practiced violin and guitar until about 2:30. That's all I did in the morning. Violin for my music teacher, who's pushing me towards an audition into CYO this august, and guitar whenever I got bored of violin. Then at 2:40 I went with family to see Mean Girls. It was a really good movie, depicts life in high school a lot more accurately than most movies do. When I got home, I practiced another hour of violin, then spent about an hour researching my debate topic. After almost a whole damn day of practicing the violin, I still can't get what I was practicing down. Its "okay" in quality, but you'd think after so many hours of practicing it'd be better. My fingers are sore as fuck now. And about debate, last time, I spent maybe 8 hours researching it. This time, I've only spent 1, and I probably won't have too much time to do anymore ~.<.

Tomorrow, I'm going to take the day off from tutoring to go home and practice more violin, and hopefully squeeze in some debate research. At night, I'll be at school to recieve to awards for something (they didn't tell me what, they only told me to dress in my "Sunday's best") and then right after that I have the orchestra concert rehersal to attend. I probably won't be home until 10-ish, when I'll be dead tired.

Wednesday I'll be going right to violin lessons after school, where I'll either get good or bad comments depending if I can play the music I've been practicing right. At home, I'll be doing a hell of a lot of debate research and studying for a math final.

Thursday will be algebra math final, maybe debated, and that's really the only night I'll have off. I'll probably spend it studying for my Chinese final on Sunday.

Friday I'm gonna try to watch the new Harry Potter movie right after school. After that, I've got an orchestra concert to perform in =).

And my Saturday will be spent studying for my Chinese school final the next day. I had to turn down an offer to to airsofting with Chris on Saturday so I could study >.<. I have to cram a year's worth of Chinese into my head. Fun stuff -_-.

After that, the official final's week in school will kick off. And after that, it'll be party heaven for me.

Welp, now you know my shedule for the whole week. I left out some stuff, but the things up there are what are most important. Toodles.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Today is Saturday. Yesterday was Friday. Yesterday after school, I paid a visit to the Verizon Wireless retailer in Carmel Mountain Ranch Plaza and after spending some time talking with the sales representative, Jenny, settled for an LG VX3200 with 2 year agreement. Yay! Sooooooooo now I have a new (and for me, a first) cell phone, and all you cats can drop me a line at (858)414-8733 =).

After spending time at home going through all the brochures and and guides and stuff on my new cell phone, I head over to Danielle's house for a party with my guitar. At the party, other people used my guitar more than I did, but its cool with me. And also, Ambrose taught me some parts of Led Zeppelin's "Black Dog" on his electric. I'm gonna have to get myself one of those someday =).

DJ Rob, this guy who graduated MC 2 years ago, came down all the way from LA to DJ for free for us. Melissa says he does this every year, so we all signed a "thank you" card for him and gave him some money as a gift. I spent part of the night on the dance floor (really the living room =P) dancing with people, part of the night playing video games (Super Smash Brothers and DDR), and the last part of it chilling with some people outside on the deck with a guitar.

It was fun.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

I changed the way I fix my hair in the mornings and I don't think there was one person that didn't notice. More than half of the people saw me said "nice haircut!" (except I didn't get a haircut), and everyone else was like "hey, I like your hair." Ambrose and Megan were the only 2 that said it made me look more Asian... yeah, more Asian that I already am.

After school on yesterday I went to violin lessons with Mrs. Wong. She's a pretty cool teacher. Then after lessons I went to the full orchestra rehersal for the concert we have next Friday(buy tickets from me). lol, Allison wasn't that into it, I noticed. After something like 21 measures of rest, we all put our bows back on the instrument to crank out some notes, but Allison's sitting next to me staring off somewhere. I have to rhasp at her "Allison! We're playing!" before she realizes that she's the only one still resting. Haha. Its all good in the neighborhood. But the rehersal in general wasn't that good. Qoute Mr. Torns, "Everyone one of you in the brass section should apologize to the strings. They worked their tails off to get here, and you guys just come in and play like you're sight reading." No matter how bad the brass, was, they were all still better prepared that I =P. We have another sectional next... Tuesday, I think?

After that fun stuff, I came home, drank some cream soda (holy hell, that's stuff heavenly), talked with Ann on the phone, and watched to see who won American Idol. It wasn't that big of a surprise to see Fantasia winning. Damn, I hate her speaking voice, after a while, it annoys the hell out of me. But when she sings, you can see that she's got talent. A lof of it.

Today in swim PE, after we finished our normal routine stuff, we all had turns on the diving board. WTF is the point of using it if you aren't gonna dive? I was in the water watching people, and noticed that most of them just walked or hopped off the board. I was one of the few that actually dived. There were also so unintentional (or maybe intential) belly flops. I have to say that the flips Wally did were pretty impressive. Ahh, there was too much chlorine in the pool. When I got out, my eyes were burning like hell, and I couldn't keep them open very well. People tell me they were quite red. Must've looked like I was on something.

After school I wen't the public library and see Matt and Kyle there waiting for the rest of their debate group to arrive so they could start researching their debate topics. But while I was there, we just read magazines and they did homework.

So now here I am, 4:35 PM according to the clock on my computer, and just finishing up yet another blog entry. See you folks tomorrow.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Its a sunny Saturday afternoon, and I Just got back from Smart & Final to get "chef's quality cookware." After that I went into RadioShack to look at Verizon Wireless cell phones, but this other family was talking with the damned sales person the entire time (the half an hour I was there) so I just left... without a cell phone, mind you. I'd really like one, but my dad's like "when you can afford it yourself, go for it." Well it seems I can finally afford it. I'm looking at an LG VX4400 with Local Digital plan for about 40 dollars a month, 2 year agreement. My dad said he'd sign the contract for it only if I paid him the full 2 year's worth of money plus like an extra hundred as saftey deposit or something, I dunno. Anyways, maybe I'll be back in there next weekend.

Lately, I've been hanging out a lot with Patty and her crew, so sorry to group I came from. I still try hang out with everyone the same amount.

This blog is really starting to bore me.

I'm off to eat a hamburger and drink a strawberry-bananna shake for lunch.

Saturday, May 15, 2004 is changing its site's template a lot lately. At first I thought, Hey, cool, new look! But not its just starting to get annoying because I have to keep on figuring out where everything is.

Anyways, this week went by pretty damn fast; I don't know why. I've gotten all my work done in third period CAD so most of my days in there are just spent hanging out with all those other CAD people. On Thursday we took that Star testing stuff in 3rd our third period class, and for me, that's CAD. The computer aided drafting class is pretty cool and such, but having to spend three and half damned hours in that room taking tests while sitting on metal stools is WAY to much for me, and its just begging my ass to scream in pain. It probably would if it had vocal skills. After testing we had like an hour left of free time left, so we broke out the playing cards and started playing a game called "Dose" (I think that was it?) for the rest of the period. I didn't know how to play, but Tsukasa was helpful in helping me learn.

This whole day (Saturday) was spent by me doing nothing but sit in front of my computer playing Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow. Its a pretty neat game. I managed to finish it, too =P. lol, this is what happens when I don't get out of the house. But that isn't my fault. On Monday my dad caught me on AIM while I wasn't supposed to and "grounded" for today from any social activities. Luckily, he didn't say anything about computer games. lol. I wish I could've done something more productive, though.

Damn, am I bored. After reading this blog, you probably are, too. But hey, it' Saturday night, and you kids know what that means - "Live from New York, it's Saturday night!" Ahh, great show. Too bad it doesn't start for close to another three hours >.<.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Most of you have probably heard by now, but for those that don't get news too quickly, I asked Miss Ann out on Tuesday night, and she said yes. Yeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh!!

In other happening's around the county, we took a midterm in Mr. Cumming's class today. A whole damn 83 questions in about 90 minutes worth of class. What the hell was he thinking? There were a lot of problems that I knew how to do, but when I saw them would think "this is going to take a while," so I skipped them to come back to later. When I finish problem number 83, there are only like 30 seconds until class ends, so the 5 or so problems that I skipped I went back and just filled in random answers on the scan-tron. Damn. Then he goes on to say that the word problem test tomorrow is cancelled. That's a good thing, but he said the reason was because he had started grading some of these midterms, and we were doing horribly. Well, maybe if you gave us more time or fewer questions, that would help.

Then in English, Mr. Pacillio introduced debating to us, and I believe that's how we're going to end the year. Teams of 3 or 4 peoples in his classes will debate over certain topics. The 2 finalist teams won't have to take the grammar portion of the final at the end of the year, and the winners get fortune cookies... or something along those lines. lol. Its going to be a fun last 6 weeks =).

In swimming, my friggin leg cramps up like 3 times a day >.<. While we were relay racing with the pull buoys, both of my legs cramped at the same time o.O. There are people out ther in the studio audience wondering "wtf? how do your leg's cramp when you're swimming with pull buoys? You don't even use your legs!" And for that question, I can't answer. I have no idea how the hell it happened. But thank God I was only using my arms, because I still swam full speed ahead! In the end, my team in lane 6 of me, John, Andrew, and James won both races. Yeeeaaahh!!! Go Zimbabwe!! We were Zimbabwe, by the way.

Saturday, May 01, 2004

Yesterday, me, Ambrose, Meg, and Alexandra went and saw 13 going on 30 in Mira Mesa. Not the best movie ever, in my oppinion, but hey, it gave us a reason to hang out. We saw Anna Nordeen there. When we came out, I found this random bouquet of flowers on the ground o.O. lol. We started making up stories on how it got there like "yeah, so this guy gave them to his girlfriend and started making out in the bushes when his other girlfriend came by and saw them. The girl he was making out with realizes that he's cheating on her, and throws the flowers down, stomps away, while the other girl slaps the guy and goes away crying with the guy running after her." Fun stuff. lol. We went into Pat and Oscars and got breadsticks, good stuff, and then into Barnes and Noble to their Starbucks. Those damn breadsticks are good, but they have a knack for making you thirsty, so I ordered myself a frappuccino. At one point I tried giving the flowers to this random group of girls, but since I had breadstick in my mouth and couldn't explain myself, they were like "excuse me..?" and just walked on. lol. Eventually, we ended up just throwing them in some bushes.
Then we went to Albertsons and got some milk... yes... milk. And while walking back to the theater, we saw Zander and his friends. Like 2 seconds later, I see Tim and his mom. Aother few seconds, Ben Cannon and his posse. And literally seconds later, Caitlin and her group. lol, it was weird. Then I saw this girl I know from my 1st period class and Ambrose saw this kids he knew. Fun stuff.

Today, I went to San Diego and then to Old Town to 2 different Cinco De Mayo parties. After those, I went swimming. Cool.