the Michael Pages


Monday, May 31, 2004

These last few weeks of school are gonna be fun as hell, quite possibly the most fun I'll have in the year. But at the same time, its going to kill me because I'm under so much pressure. For example, go take a look at the events page. Those are only the things that are happening that I can remember from the top of my head, not including all the personal activities I'll be partcipiating in. The orchestra party has come and gone, so that's one activity down, like 30 more to go, most of which won't be so fun.

Today, I woke up at 7:30 and practiced violin and guitar until about 2:30. That's all I did in the morning. Violin for my music teacher, who's pushing me towards an audition into CYO this august, and guitar whenever I got bored of violin. Then at 2:40 I went with family to see Mean Girls. It was a really good movie, depicts life in high school a lot more accurately than most movies do. When I got home, I practiced another hour of violin, then spent about an hour researching my debate topic. After almost a whole damn day of practicing the violin, I still can't get what I was practicing down. Its "okay" in quality, but you'd think after so many hours of practicing it'd be better. My fingers are sore as fuck now. And about debate, last time, I spent maybe 8 hours researching it. This time, I've only spent 1, and I probably won't have too much time to do anymore ~.<.

Tomorrow, I'm going to take the day off from tutoring to go home and practice more violin, and hopefully squeeze in some debate research. At night, I'll be at school to recieve to awards for something (they didn't tell me what, they only told me to dress in my "Sunday's best") and then right after that I have the orchestra concert rehersal to attend. I probably won't be home until 10-ish, when I'll be dead tired.

Wednesday I'll be going right to violin lessons after school, where I'll either get good or bad comments depending if I can play the music I've been practicing right. At home, I'll be doing a hell of a lot of debate research and studying for a math final.

Thursday will be algebra math final, maybe debated, and that's really the only night I'll have off. I'll probably spend it studying for my Chinese final on Sunday.

Friday I'm gonna try to watch the new Harry Potter movie right after school. After that, I've got an orchestra concert to perform in =).

And my Saturday will be spent studying for my Chinese school final the next day. I had to turn down an offer to to airsofting with Chris on Saturday so I could study >.<. I have to cram a year's worth of Chinese into my head. Fun stuff -_-.

After that, the official final's week in school will kick off. And after that, it'll be party heaven for me.

Welp, now you know my shedule for the whole week. I left out some stuff, but the things up there are what are most important. Toodles.


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