the Michael Pages


Monday, January 31, 2005

Now Playing: The Turtles - So Happy Together

This place is due for one hell of a long ass update. And I'm just the man to do it. What is there to talk about this past week? More like, what isnt there to talk about? These past few days have all been fun filled and action packed?! Seriously, finals week has been the most fun I've had in quite a while.

First day of finals was Humanities and Orchestra. EASY PEASEY. I didn't even study for the humanities final and still managed to pull away with an 83 on the fill in part and a 93 on the multiple choice. Music theory for orchestra wasn't too bad either, thanks to Patty for helping me understand the stuff. Afterwards, though, I walked to Subway with Ann, Chris, Thomas, and Carly. Like, everyone from high school was there?! Yeeaaaaahhh, then we walked around a bit more, and Me, Chris and Ann went back to MC for the MC vs WV girls waterpolo game where I saw Thai An playing on WV. lol, she's vicious in the water =P.

Second day of finals, Math and PE. Math wasn't too bad, and we did jack diddly squat in PE. Afterwards, I went to In N Out with Patty, Allison, and Meg with Peter driving and met Patrick, Jon, and Lauren there. Later, I saw Nick, Danny, and Luke there. The best part about that, ofcourse, was having Peter drive. There are a lot of things you could talk about when trying to describe being the car with Peter at the wheel, but the most memorable by FAR was going down the highway at 95 mph, windows rolled down, and Led Zeppelin blasting over the radio. Never have I been so scared shitless, while at the same time having the ride of my life. lol, thanks, Peter. Afterwards I went to my violin lesson where Mrs. Wong told me...

That she was impressed?! Whoa, that doesn't happen too often.

Third day of finals was AP Art History and APEC. Before the test, my grade in art history was an 89. 1. After, its was a 91.2 (by the way, I got an A in all my classes semester, including Chinese school... 4.3 GPA yesssss). APEC was alright, too. Afterwards, I went to Jack in the Box with Ann and Chris, but since the lines were so long, we decided to go into Subway instead. And once again, the entire high school population was in there. lol, the guy making my sandwhich was trying to remember my order from 2 days before...

Him- "So what else did you want on that day?"
Me- "Everything except Onions, peppers, and..."
Him- *puts on black olives*
Me- "... black olives.."
Him- "..."
Me- "Its okay though! You don't have to take them off!"

Ahahaha, everyone else in line who overheard got a kick out of that. After that, we walked around some, and then went to Ann's house where I got my ass kicked in monopoly. Later, me and Chris went and watched the MC vs Torrey Pines girls polo game.

Then on Friday I went and saw a movie with Daniell, Kai Cheng, Donald, Lauren, Mariel, Lauren, Patrick, Thai An, and probably some others that I forget. Originally, we were gonna go to the beach after, but since it was raining.. we didnt. lol.

CYO on Saturday.

Chinese School on Sunday.

And Monday, today. what an adventure! =P. I went bike riding with Ann and Leah at the Penasquitos Reserve thinger. The sign said it was closed, but us rebels decided to do it anyway.. lol. After riding for like half an hour, we got off and walked along the foot path to the waterfall where we had a picnic and explored. We spent most of our 3 something hours there. I could talk about lots of things that happened, but I'm getting tired of this entry, so I'm not. lol

I took a nap a few days ago, woke up, saw my hair, and decided that I HAD to take a picture:

july hOrse 19: cuz you thought you were JUST that hot
Hatchamadoo: well, actually, i thought my hair was amusing
july hOrse 19: i gtg eat dinner
Hatchamadoo: but i can settle with that, too =P
july hOrse 19: hah
Hatchamadoo: lol, alright
july hOrse 19: nite

Saturday, January 22, 2005

I lied, I'm not going to put up the orchestral version of Clair de Lune. Instead, here's the credit music from the movie The Incredibles... because I'm incredible. This would be a good time for that one AIM smiley with the sunglasses.

I don't remember what happened in school?!

Except on Friday when Mikey was shrieking, ran across the planter, and jumped onto Jimmy's back. Jimmy then got up, stumbled over to the wall with a trashcan by it, and slammed his back, and therefore Mikey, into the wall. Afterwards, he said he had tried to dump Mikey into the trashcan but missed. lol, it looked like it hurt, but Mikey said he was okay =P. Then a teacher walked by and was like, "You! *points to Mikey* Over here, I want to talk with you about your behavior." Ahahahaha, so they bust Mikey for jumping onto Jimmy's back, but not Jimmy for slamming him against the wall? lol, priceless.

Today was CYO, and that was boring as all hell. More than usual for some reason. Atleast there are cool people there to chill with during breaks.

YEEEESSSSS we didn't start a new lesson in Chinese school last week, so we barely have any homework and theres no test tomorrow. First time all year. I'm stoked, are you?

Oh fuck, finals almost all next week.

I'm not so stoked anymore -_-.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Could this power tool company make it any more blatantly obvious that they're advertising to the male demographic? Warning: its a bit racy, but nothing too serious.

The advertisment

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Hey hey, can you name that tune? My orchie pals will be able to =P. We played this at our last concert.

DeBussy's Clair de Lune... the classical Spanish guitar version of it, anyway. I know it cuts off kinda of abruptly, but I doubt any of you will listen to the end, anyways. Later sometime this week I'll put up the orchestral version of it played by the Philadelphia Orchestra.


Monday, January 17, 2005

Uhh.. surprise birthday party for Danielle at CYO this past Saturday, courtesy of Thai-an and Julia. Happy Birthday, Danielle =).

Yesterday my family went to LA to visit relatives with me driving to and back. The ONLY interesting thing that happened all day was when I was driving there, about 3/4 the way through, I almost crashed into the car in front of me.

Its not exactly my idea of fun driving down the freeway for 2 friggin hours. The car radio was set to some classic rock station, and "Pretty Woman" was playing.

... pretty woman, walking down the street...
...pretty woman, the kind I'd like to meet...

I must've been daydreaming or something, cause suddenly everyone in the car was like, "MICHAEL! SLOW DOWN! BRAKES!! BRAAAKKESS!!!"

Suddenly, I snap out of it, look up, and see that about 100 yards in front traffic is at a complete standstill, and I'm still going at a *little* (hehe) over highway speed. I don't *slam* on the brakes, but I push down hard enough for it slow down pretty damned fast and for the rear tires to screech while doing so. I went from like 75 mph to 0 in about 3 seconds. When the car stopped, it did that thing where it lunges foward and then snaps back, throwing everyone inside foward a little. The my car stopped about 4 feet away from the car in front of me. The people in that car turned and looked back. I just smiled back at them. lol.

As I said, that was the only amusing part of all yesterday, so there's nothing else to say.

I spent the entire today studying, doing homework, and practicing violin. What fun!

Over and out.

Friday, January 14, 2005

New music chhyeeahh!!&!*!

This is from the soundtrack of the movie Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.

The movie (and the music) is so trippy that its funny.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Guns N' Roses - Patience

Shed a tear 'cause I'm missing you
I'm still alright to smile
Girl, I think about you every day now
Was a time when I wasn't sure
But you set my mind at ease
There is no doubt you're in my heart now
Said woman take it slow
It'll work itself out fine
All we need is just a little patience
Said sugar make it slow
And we'll come together fine
All we need is just a little patience
(inhale) Patience...
Ooh, oh, yeah

Sit here on the stairs
'Cause I'd rather be alone
If I can't have you right now, I'll wait dear
Sometimes, I get so tense
But I can't speed up the time
But you know, love, there's one more thing to consider
Said woman take it slow
Things will be just fine
You and I'll just use a little patience
Said sugar take the time
'Cause the lights are shining bright
You and I've got what it takes to make it
We won't fake it, Oh never break it
'Cause I can't take it

...little patience, mm yeah, ooh yeah,
Need a little patience, yeah
Just a little patience, yeah
Some more pati... (ence, yeah)
I've been walking these streets at night
Just trying to get it right (Need some patience, yeah)
It's hard to see with so many around
You know I don't like being stuck in a crowd (Could use some patience, yeah)
And the streets don't change but maybe the name
I ain't got time for the game
'Cause I need you (Patience, yeah)
Yeah, yeah well I need you
Oh, I need you (Take some patience)
Whoa, I need you (Just a little patience is all we need)
Ooh, this ti- me....

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

lol... only at MC...

*someone yells and points*
"Oh Shit! Look at that!"
*flock of hundreds of seagulls slowly rise from the horizon, dotting the skyline*
"Jesus H!"

Suddenly, the flock engulfed the school until the sky above was dotted with gulls in all directions, sending everyone in their right mind screaming and running for cover in a mass of confusion. Caitlin just sat out there in the open... and got crapped on the hand. Ahahahaha.


Too cool. Click to enlarge.

Monday, January 10, 2005

I forgot to mention how funny it was to watch Steven Truong get crapped on by a seagull last Friday. When a huge flock of them starting flying from the top of one of the buildings, everyone around began screaming and running for cover. Everyone but Steven, that is. It was hilarious watching him get crapped on both shoulders and back almost simultaneously. Its almost like the friggin gulls decided to focus their attacks on him because there was no one else to poop on.

It seems to me like my math teacher just now has decided to start piling on the homework. This chapter I've skipped like 4 assigments. And its really frustrating, not the degree of difficulty of the problems (none of them are overly difficult), but the amount of time it takes to do them cause there are so many damned problems. I mean, I understand how to do it already, I don't need all this extra work to "strengthen" it.

I'm starting to worry about AP art history. It is my easiest class, and thats mainly why I'm worried. Mrs. Talle is one of the nicest and coolest teachers that I've ever had, but thats just the thing. She's a great person, but not so great a teacher. She had been teaching AP art history unqualified until just this year. I'm not exactly looking foward to seeing how the class will do when the AP tests come.

Humanities is as boring as ever.

APEC is as amusing as ever.

Today in orchestra we were supposed to learn music theory, but for some reason Mr. Torns left and we just had a free period. Yayy! =P.

PE really seems like a waste of a period to me. We never do anything that actually helps our fitness that much, and its always a mix of being boring and interesting. The actual class is boring as hell, but thank God, the people aren't. For example, how can you say its boring when Kevin and Mikey decide to rush over Chris on the raquetball courts and try to rape him with a raquetball and a tree branch? Its just not possible. lol.


Sunday, January 09, 2005

Last night was MC's first orchestra concert at the Poway Performing Arts Center. I got there at the specified call time, went onstage for a little pre-performance rehersal which was right after the Wind I rehersal, and I'd just like to say

Man, its so disgusting how bandos empty their spit valves on the ground.

We sounded a lot better than we do in class, probably because it was a professional stage and all that crap. But like, hey, it actually wasn't that bad. According to my big Russian of a standparter, Vladik, he actually thinks our first concert this year was better than our first concert from last year. I had fun playing in the concert and watching Wind I perform afterwards.

After the concert a bunch of us went over to TGI Friday's. It was fun as hell screwing around, screwing around with camera phones, the food, drinks... screwing around in general. Oh yeah, the food was good, too :P. We made some weird concoction of a drink out of ketchup, mustard, ice cream, barbecue sauce, shrip tails, etc. Before we began, the glass was empty. By the time we finished, it was full of all this mixed together crap with a scoop of icecream on top, making it look almost like a dessert, despite the vomit looking substance right under the icecream. Tanya wanted someone to take a picture of her pretending to drink it, so she was going to suck it up the straw halfway for the photo, but it somehow went all the way up and... ahhh, the look on her face, priceless. After that, I felt that I couldn't leave without taking a sip myself so I did, and by the end of the night, about 4 or 5 people had tried it, although none of us actually swallowed any before we spit it back out. By the end of the night, our table (actually 3 tables put together since we had so many people) was so damned messy, the waitress honestly deserved her tip.

Goddamn, Chinese school. I can honestly say that it is the HARDEST class that I have ever taken. It doesn't help much that I always have a week to do the homework and study for the tests, but I always wait until the morning of the actual school day :P. Today was extra craptastic, too, since it was our first day back from break and our final, for some reason, was today. That means that today was the first time in 4 weeks I have opened up my Chinese book to study... for a final. Needless to say, I don't think I did that hot on the test. I guess I deserve whatever grade I managed to get from only 3 hours of studying on the morning of the test, but seriously, even when I do study, my scores aren't all that much better. That's probably why I never even try. No matter what, it seems I'm doomed for a low score. What pisses me off most is that we are a college level class, our teacher only has experience as a college proffessor, we use college level textbooks (the same one that USC uses), yet we aren't allowed to call ourself an AP class because classes that aren't part of school aren't allowed to do that. That is so gay. Basically I'm working my ass and failing for what should be an AP class, but isn't.

Damn, life sucks. Actually, only Chinese school does.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Hatchamadoo: duuuuuuuude
Nauzzo: duuuuddee!
Hatchamadoo: duuuuuude?!
Hatchamadoo: concert tonight?!?!0
Nauzzo: dooooooooooode
Hatchamadoo: d00000000000d
Hatchamadoo: e
Nauzzo: dooooode dooooode!
Hatchamadoo: dooooo duuuude!
Nauzzo: we always have the most intellegent conversations

Hey, 4000 hits since the beginning. Cooooool.

I'm somewhat aching from "working out" yesterday, but its all good in the neighborhood. My dad let me drive his Ford F-150 for the first time on the way home from CYO today. That was a-okay. Tonight is the orchestra and wind I concert at the Poway Performing Arts Center.

See you there.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

First post of the new year, even though its already been 6 days since the 1st of this month. Just goes to show how much I'm letting this place fall apart by not updating more often. Lets see whats happened since then, shall we?

I rang in the new year at Katie's house on New Year's Eve with a bunch of people. Its always fun to chill with friends, especially those that you get less of a chance to do it with nowadays. At first my parents wanted to go to the New Year's party over at Seaport Village, but I was like, "Pssh, no party will ever be as bangin' as Katie's." :P. Highlights of the night included kicking ass (and recieving) at fooseball, playing cards in the garage, sitting around the bonfire outside talking, and ofcourse, toasting in 2005 with friends. Damn straight.

Monday seemed to pass by soooo slowy... probably because it was our first day back. In orchestra we sucked total crap that day. Like, more than usual :P. But I guess that's to be expected after 2 weeks of just sitting around. Thankfully, we sounded better the next day, and even better on our tuesday night rehersal (probably because the winds were covering us up... teehee). Our concert is Saturday night at 7:30 PM at the Poway Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $3 for adults, $1 for students, middle schoolers get in free, and they can be bought at the door. Yeehaw.

Last night I totally raped myself by studying too damn long for an AP Art History test I had today. God, I never want to do that again. I think I did pretty decent on the test, but I'm not entirely confident that I got over a B+.

Thats all I can remember.