the Michael Pages


Saturday, February 28, 2004

YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH!! Mr. Cumming's was out for half the week and we had a sub for math. That in itself made my whole week =). Damn, I should probably post more often since so many things always happen, but then by the time I actually do write a post and try to sum everything up, I've forgotten it all >.<. I do remember one thing though, I got a 95% on the geometry test yeeaahahh!! That doesn't happen too often anymore, nowadays. Umm, I got a new kid for tutoring. He's a lot more talkative than my past other ones, so thats good... but bad at the same time. He keeps on getting off track from what work he's doing so we end up finishing like only half a page of work during the whole hour that I'm with him. And thats only on lucky days, too. This whole week, we didn't have to do anything in PE because it was rain schedule every single day. So everyday in PE I just sat and talked with John, Bailey, Megan, Lauren, Ann, Eric, Tim, and some other people. Uhh.. okay, I'm done talking abot what little I can remember from my week. Now its on to what happened last night. Last night, Friday, I went and saw the school play Once Upon A Mattress and saw a lot of people there. When I get out of the car, someone yells my name, and I turn around to see Kelly, a girl I later met as Sammie, and MATT STEVENS!!! Yeah. I got to see Matt Stevens. How cool is that? Then I go to the ticket buying place and I see Carly there and some more people and she introduces me to a girl named Amy from WV. Hi, Amy. Carly tells me that she's reserved 2 whole rows for friends, so I by a ticket in that section. At that point it starts to rain and Carly tells me that Ann is walking from her house to the school and I'm like "ahhh, it'll suck to walk in the rain..." But the rain stayed really light, and 10 minutes she arrived as dry as a... a... towel...? I don't know. I'm waiting out there for Chris and Kevin but its getting close to the starting time so I go in. I take my seat and I hear someone yell my name again. I turn around, and this time Chris is at the door with Kevin and Nick. I run over to them, and an usher shows them where their seats are, which is on the opposite side of the room from where my seat is. I tell everyone around me that I'm going over there to just talk to them, but as soon as I reach them the lights dim out so I just there with them next to Kevin. Sorry for ditching you other people >.<. Yeah Mr. Torns pit orchestra yeeaaah!!. The musical was pretty good, funny, etc. While they were singing, Chris lets out this HUGE fart and everyone near us turns around to stare at Chris while Me, Kevin, and Nick are cracking up. lol. Kevin, who's sitting next to Chris, says "gah, Michael, scoot over!" I look over to the other side where Kevin is motioning me to go and the guy one seat aways stares at me, so I decide not to move. Sorry Kevin, I didn't want to get raped by him. lol. During intermission I go out, eat a lot of cookies, 5 brownies, and drink 3 cups of soda. Yum. It was all free too :) hehe. I see more people I know and talked with some people from the pit orchestra. Then we go back in and I walk over to where I was supposed to sit and talked with people there, asking them if they could hear Chris from the other side of the room. lol. From where we're sitting, its a lot closer to the stage than where they're sitting, so Ann says she's coming over with us, and does. During the last half of the play, Chris lets out 2 more streaks of gas, and I remember hearing Kevin say "dear God, take me now!" lol. This particular performance was being recorded too, so we're gonna have to buy a copy and see if we can hear Chris in it. Hahaha. Oh yeah, I've forgot, Wes and Megan are IN the play. How cool is that? Well actually, Wes is in the play, but Megan is a costume person. Her name was in the program twice though. And without her, the character Winnifred wouldn't have as such cool hair as she did because it was Megan who did it. lol. After the musical, Chris, Kevin, and Nick left for Cotijas and I waited outside to get picked up with Ann and Megan. My mom came and I left at 10 PM. That was my day. I have nothing to say about today because it was BORING.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Last thursday I saw a 50 First Dates with Chris, Wes, Ayesha, Ann, Nauzli, and Lissette. Funny movie. Sometime during the movie Chris starts cracking up for no apparent reason, and everyone else just starts laughing. Afterwards I ask him what the hell he was laughing at, and he said that he remembered a funny part from like 10 minutes before. o.O. lol, anyways, After the movie Wes left and the rest of just walked around, went into stores, etc. Chris and I went into In N Out and got stuff to eat. When everyone else left, me and Chris went into Party City and bought party poppers. That was that. When I got home, I figured out what was wrong with my airsoft gun, and fixed it up. Now, after the upgrades, its shooting so damn fast and powerful that I'm a bit afraid of shooting another person with it during a game >.<.
Then on Saturday I went to Ann's birthday party up at Hilltop. It was a park, so a crapload of people were there, more than I can possibly remember. I'll try though. I was there, Ann, Chris, Fred, Michael Cho, Ben, Mimi, Nauzli, Christine, Megan, Leah, Alexandra, Kirsten, Ayesha... and a lot of other people, but I forget. I also met some people there. Rarg, it rained and everyone was cold and yeah. Despite the weather, it was still fun though, definitely the best part of my whole week off =). Sometime during the party, we were hitting the pinyata, and when it was my turn everyone tied me up in sweatshirts so I couldn't see or even move my arms that well, spun me around, and put a stick in my hand. I took one hard swing, and I hear a "AIIEEEEhahahaha", a scream and then a laugh. Then someone says "Nice job, you nearly missed Ann's mom". Damn, I'm so sorry. lol. Then another person says "maybe we should untie him," and when they do, I see that the pinyata is on the ground burst open, and everyone is on the ground with it grabbing for candy. Yay, go me. haha. We ate pizza and cake. Then after the party my family and I went and ate pho. It was a good day. END.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Yesterday I went to LA to visit my cousins and we had Chinese food for lunch like we always do when we go there. And then for dinner, we had Chinese food again. Actually, we had lobster, but at a Chinese restaruant. It was yummy =). When I got bored I watched Pearl Harbor and ate icecream. There's no better movie to make you feel really damn patriotic, but it's sad too. Anyways, I got home around 11 PM and went to bed at like 1 AM. This morning I woke up 10 and my parents were being pissy. But thats okay, cause I probably shouldn't be waking up so late anyway. Let me tell you folks about my airsoft troubles, for anyone that cares anyways. Okay, look here. I bought a gun, an AK-47 and upgrades from an overseas retailer for $511.50 including shipping. Last Saturday I spent an our stripping it apart, getting down to the gear box to open it up and put in the upgrades. When I get to the gearbox, I see that its closes with torx screws. And I don't have torx screw drivers, so damn. I take 30 minutes to put the gun back together. This weekend, Saturday, I get the torx screw drivers, and spent about 6 hours stripping the gun down, opening the gearbox, and putting in the upgrades. Sometime during the whole ordeal, the trigger fell out. God damn, that thing's complicated to get back it. It took me about an hour to get just the trigger back in. So now I put all the upgrades in, and try to put the two halves of the gearbox back together. But the new spring is so damn hard to compress and get into the gearbox that it pops out, and everything explodes and falls out of place, including the trigger. At this point, I say "screw this" and bag everything up, hoping to pick up the progress again another day. That day was today. I get the tirgger back into place, and take about 3 hours to get everything in, in position, and back to normal. Now it's time to test. When I pull the trigger, it doesn't fire, but a loud "clicking" sound is obvious from the motor. Turns out I shimmed it wrong so now I have to take it all apart again and shim it correctly. Damn. Maybe tomorrow. For those of you that are still here, here's a little side story about something else that happened today and is probably more interesting. Maybe. I was playing America's Army on my computer today and I had sniper status. With M82 in hand, I run out to the middle of the bridge, lie down behind the remains of a burning up car, and pop my bipod into place. Peering through the scope at the other side of the bridge, a hooded figure with an AK-47 suddenly comes out of the fog. Upon seeing me, he starts advancing, in a zig-zag pattern, towards me while firing. I pull off two shots, but with him zig-zagging, he's a difficult target. Suddenly another terrorist emerges from the fog and does the same zig-zagging, firing action. As both terrorists continue firing, causing bullets holes and clods of dirt to be kicked up around me, I keep trying to hit them, but it seems hopeless. "Damn, I'm screwed", I thought, and pulled off one last random shot in their general direction. And at that exact moment, they had zig-zagged so that one was behind the other, and the .50 calibre bullet from my rifle met it's target. Both it's targets. As the one bullet pierced through the flesh of both targets, they fell, almost synchronized, as heavy as a sack of potatos. In the ordeal, their running around had made it hard for both me and them to get a good shot. One of their bullets left quite a scratch on me, but it was nothing that my team's medic couldn't patch up. After realizing what good luck I had recieved, I ran, limping, back to where the rest of my team was to be welcomed with "holy crap, nice shot!"'s and "here, take my sniper rifle next round, you're obviously a better shot that I am"'s. Then End.

Monday, February 09, 2004

On yeah, last Friday we got a test back that we took in Cumming's, and I got a 55% on it because I didn't follow directions. I calculated how much I should've gotten if I did follow directions, and it would have been an 80%. And I'm thinking "damn." Are you thinking the same? Then today I brought a bag of Cheetos to school at ate them with chopsticks. Everyone stared, pointed, and laughed. That was what I wanted them to do, though, so all is well. In life management we learned ways on how to make everyday a great day. I still wonder how the hell I managed to get into that class... but anyways, atleast it's easy. Not much thinking involved. If there was, most people in that class would probably hurt themselves, catch my drift? Heh. In Cumming's class he asked us what we got for answers to questions he put up on the board and everyone just started blurting out random numbers and variables. It was funny. Then one one problem John Blue said "not possible." Then Mr. Cumming's was like "that's the only one that you guys got right." lol. It takes skill to not look at a problem, guess, and get the right answer. Nice job John. Haha. At lunch Mrs. Kelly came out of the disciplinary office and said "If I have to come out one more time, this area is going to be off limits to you during lunch." lol. Its been a semester and 2 weeks, and now they finally address our behavior over there. Sometime later Ann gave me a group picture from Winter Formal. Thaaaaaaaat's all folks and folkettes.

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Friday was a good day. All Fridays are good. BUT TODAY IS SATURDAY. So I'll tell you about today... Saturday... period. I woke up at 7 AM and got ready to go to school. "Why did you go to school on a Saturday, Michael?" you may be wondering. Well, I'll tell you. My parents paid $25 dollars for me to take a mock SAT test. That's right, $25 to take a fake test that I won't even actually take for another couple years. But its all good, because atleast now I know how screwed I'll be when the actual test comes around. lol. If the real thing was today, I'd probably now be going to Miramar College. Yes, I sucked that much. A lot of the questions I didn't know, and a lot of the sections I didn't even finish. Atleast other people I saw there say that they felt the same as I. Peter, JD, Torrey, Jimmy, Edvin, Alison, Anna, Laura, Nate, and Kevin were there... there were more people, but I can't remember them all right now. Rarg, the first thing we did was write an essay on what we think the the phrase "Every cloud has a silver lining" meant. "What the hell?" you may be asking. I asked the same thing. But I think I got through that part all right. During the English sections, we had to read passages about the history of potraits, quilts, frogs, and other crap like that. My god, I litteraly zoned out because the passages were so long and boring. On one question it asked "Read the first paragraph and select the choice you best sums the paragraph up". I thought to myself "hey, no problem, I'll just read the first paragraph." The paragraph turned out to be like half a page long and in size 5 font o.O. And I'm seriously not even exaggerating all that much. Well, maybe. SOOOOOOOO thats what I did from 8 in the morning to noon. When I went home I started taking apart my airsoft gun to put upgrades in it. After an hour of stripping it apart, I finally get to the gearbox, the thing I need to open to put the upgrades in. And when I try to take the gearbox apart I realize that I need a torx screw driver or something to take it apart but I don't have one of those, so DAMN! Since there's no way I can open it now, I spend another 30 minutes putting the gun back together. After that I went to Edwards theater with my two favorite girls Megan and Ann to see Big Fish. Pretty good movie in my oppinion. Then we walked around, went into Oscars, this place that sells stickers, Bath and Body Works, and Barnes and Noble. We looked at pictures of hot guys in a picture book at Barnes and Noble and talked about clothes at Nordstrom. I bought a frappuccino and walked home at around 6 PM. All in all, it was a girls' night out. Yeahaah. Then when I get home my Aunt calls me up and tells me that she's gonna take me to Islands. I just got home walking from that place. Now I get to go back. Oh well, the food was good. Good day. For once I didn't feel it was wasted.

Monday, February 02, 2004

During lunch Wes hit me. Wes is awesome. This entry is dedicated to Wes.

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Yesterday I went to my old Chinese school for it's Chinese New Year Festival. My old class and I went to watch the talent show, and I'm show we were pissing a lot of people off cause we were being loud and pushing each other and Jonathan was throwing obscenities at little kids and picking fights with them. lol. When the next act was supposed to be a couple of violin players, when the lights went out Ambrose yelled in Chinese "GO VIOLIN!!" and everyone in the audience started laughing and wondering who the hell had said that. Hahaa. The first was a duet by like these 2 third graders and they were pretty good... for their age. While they were playing I said to Ambrose "lets go up there and break out some Elgar." AHAHAHAHAHA... I crack myself up. Anyways, you wouldn't get it unless you were in orchestra. lol. But yeah. Then this other third grader played a solo, and again it was pretty good for his age. Then this one other girl did a solo and it was like really pro. She was even breaking out her third position and stuff. It was the only one that was classical and extremely good for her age but everyone in the audience was talking and moving and it was pissing me off cause she didn't deserve that. But when it was over and the lights went out again we all left. Then during the actual festival, I saw all the people in my old Chinese school like Mimi, James, Brian, Ivy, Michael Wen, the whole gang. As things started rolling, I saw Jane, Karen, Peter, David Nyguen. Yeah, I haven't seen David since 8th grade so it was cool. I talked to some of my old teachers, and yeah. Then I went home. Sometime in the afternoon I went to this violin teacher's house and signed up for private lessons. At home again, I started getting ready for Winter Formal. I found out that 2 more people would be joining us at Bucas Di Beppo so I called them up and changed the reservation. After I was in my suit and hair was done and all spiffered up I went to Ayesha's house. I went in and Carly came out and we talked a bit and then Ayesha and Ann came out. They all looked very prettyful. At 6:30 Ayesha's brother drove us all down to Bucas where we hooked up with Robby and Melony. Jesus damn, Ayesha's brother drives fast. Going down Black Mountain Road was like a roller coaster. o.O. At the restaurant we say other Winter Formal people going in, and all the ladies had corsages on their wrists. At that point I was like "Damn! I knew I forgot something." Ann had gotten me a boutonniere but I had forgotten to get her a corsage -_-. At least I did one thing right and that was getting a reservation cause Bucas was packed. But since I had reserved a table for 6:30 and it was now like 6:50, the lady behind the counter said we'd have to wait for an open table because they don't hold reservations if you're 10 minutes late. Oh well. When we actually did get in, we got seated right next to this huge picture of a woman pinching another woman's nipple. I tried not to stare, but sometime through dinner Ann was like "that guy has really big man man boobs" and I started cracking up. lol. We got full mostly off deserts and a little bowl of mashed potatoes. Haha. While we were leaving we saw some people from school we knew and that was cool. Robby's mom then drove us all to the dance and we all had to take a breathalyzer test. I have always thought that to take that test you had to blow into it, but it turns out all you have to do is talk to it. Then we went in and saw more people we knew, and John Blue and I were raving, and yeah. We danced, got pictures, danced some more, and all the music was like hip hop and R&B. Yuck. Ann, Ayesha, and I went up to the DJ and requested something rock, but I never heard it. At 10 I left because Ann had to leave, but the whole thing was pretty damn fun. Thanks to everyone for contributing to a great time. And thanks to Ann for being my date and making everything like a gabazillion times even great =).