Monday during lunch was spent dodging shrapnel from exploding CD's by Tony and Calo. Fun stuff. I got my progress notice today, and guess what? All A's except for one C... in Mr. Cumming's class. I'll get that fixed by the end of the semester, though. Today during lunch Kevin raped Chris with 2, not 1, 2, count em, 2, chilie cheese corndogs. I spent some time with Ann and Ayesha, at a shrimp nugget provided by Jonathan, and watched a mosh pit take place where we sit. Then after lunch, its off to orchestra. We had sectionals today, and all the time we were with Mya, only played 3 damned measures. We did them like perfectly, too. Why didn't we go on, then? I don't know. Then we went inside and did sectionals with Kim, where we got through a page. Better that before, but still a little short. Speaking of orchestra, I lost my God damned music folder. It's been lost since last friday, and if I don't find it, I'm screwed for reasons which I will not elaborate on. Thanks to Patty for trying to help me find it. After school, I went to violin lessons, then back to school to look for the music folder. It's still lost. Okay, I think that's it for now.
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