the Michael Pages


Sunday, March 07, 2004

I'll try to keep this one short and sweet.

On Friday, I took my digital camera to school to take random photos for the Michael Pages. Mission accomplished. I took a crapload of pictures that I'm going to put up sometime. A lot of people seemed to be amazed at how small my camera was, and asked how much it costed. To be honese, I don't know. I bought that 'lil thing maybe a year ago so I forgot. If you still want to know, though, I'll try to find out for you. Umm... we took a proof test in Mr. Cumming's class, and this time I'm not sure if I passed it or not. The last two tests, I was certain that I would pass, and I did. But this time it's "iffy."

Then on Saturday, yesterday, I went airsofting with a bunch of people, and it was fun, but nothing extraordinary happened to write about. The only thing worth writing about was that a car crash happened while we were playing, but that's not really airsoft related. lol. While we were between games, Nick was telling us that he'd eat a cactus we'd found if we gave him a dollar, and he was skinning the cactus with a pocket knife when suddenly a loud "BAM" echoed through the area that we were playing it. I looked and said "What the hell was that...?" and a split second later a car horn went off endlessly and Andrew yelled "CAR CRASH!!" Then we all sprinted across the field to see these two cars in the middle of Black Mountain road that had crashed. Looked like a PT cruiser with a Mercedes. Ouch >.<. No one seemed to be injured, but the side airbag of the Mercedes had gone off and the PT Cruiser was leaking cooling liquid stuff. After airsofting I came home and went to Home Town Buffet with my family. Damn, we waited in line for about 45 minutes before we got in. And after eating we came home, rested a bit, and at 9:35 my dad and I saw The Passion of the Christ. I don't have much to say about that because the movie pretty much left me speechless. This is Michael, over and out.


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