Ahhhhhhh last night we had rehersal for our orchestra concert this Friday. We did pretty good, but we sucked ass on the Finale of Elgar. Mr. Torns made us do that one over like three or four times. Damn, with the wind section sitting right behind me, I can't even here myself play. What also sucked that mine and Alison's stand was like... retarded. It was working fine for about half the rehersal, but then suddenly in the middle of a peice it just slides all the way down with a loud "thunk!", and this was right after Mr. Torns had told Alison and I to raise our stand higher so we could see him. And now the damned thing at the lowest it could possibly be. During the peice, we didn't stop to fix it, though. I still did pretty well, played, kept eye contact with the conductor, etc, but that's only because we've been playing that song so long that I have most of it memorized. But I kinda felt sorry for Alison because she was literally sight reading the music because she's still fairly new to the orchestra, so she had to keep her eyes glued on the music. She's also the one that Mr. Torns always tells to look up at him >.<. In between songs, we'd try to fix the stand, but it would keep on falling back down. I think that Mr. Torns knew, though, because he didn't yell at us for playing with so low. If we had played with it so low with a working stand, he would have unleashed hell on us. Then sometime during the middle of a peice my peg slipped and the A string went out of tune. That was easily fixed. Right before playing our last peice, I was trying to fix our stand, I looked up at Mr. Torns, and he chuckled at me o.O. That's a first. I finally got the stand working it served us well throughout our last song. While we were exiting the stage, Mr. Torns patted me on the back. Now that's really a first. I doubt it will ever happen again, too. lol. Then today during first period Life Management, we learned how to be babysitters. Fun stuff... not really. We took this little quiz on what we would do during if the following scenerios arised while we were babysitting: if people tried to break in, if someone we didn't know was at the door, if someone we didnt know called, if we heard a strange noise somewhere in the house, etc. After every question, Liz would turn to me and say "I'd take a gun out." Then they asked us what we would do if the kid started crying and wouldn't stop. Liz didn't even have to say it, but I started cracking. lol. Then in orchestra while we were having sectionals outside, a certain somebody wrote "fuck you" into the dirt and our sectional leader saw. She said "Nice, thats very nice." No one knew what the hell she was talking about, but I found out afterwards. After school I went to private lessons, and my teacher is making me learn stuff crazy fast. She wan't be to get into a youth orchestra by June, after only recieving private lessons for like 3 months. I think that's all for now.
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