the Michael Pages


Wednesday, September 15, 2004

I'll keep this entry short. Not because I want to, but because I have to, seeing as its 9:24 PM and I still have a lot of homework to finish. This whole week has been busy as hell. Way to busy, in my oppinion. Last Friday we played Granite Hills in waterpolo and we (Freshmen team, cause I'm on the freshmen team since this is my first year playing) lost 10 - 5 or something like that. They never keep score of freshmen goals, so I don't know for sure. Saturday was my audition into Civiv Youth Orchestra, and got in easily. It also helped that the directer, Mr. Gilsen, was lenient on me because he kinda somewhat knows me. Then on Sunday the first day of Chinese school came. Chinese school is such a bitch, but atleast the other kids there are cool. Monday after waterpolo practice I came home and worked on homework until 10:30 PM when my dad told me to go to sleep. That's 5 and a half straight hours with only a dinner and shower break. Tuesday I left school early to get my physcial done, and I got a tetnus shot. Then I came back to school and we played Westview in waterpolo and we killed them something like 20 - 2, and I'm not even exaggerating the score. I thought I did pretty good considering I had gotten a tetnus shot an hour before and my left arm felt like someone had punched it 3 of 4 times as hard as they could. Our team sucks, so that means that WV must suck a hell of a lot more. After the game we had a waterpolo barbecue. It was good. Then I came home and did homework till 10 PM. Today during waterpolo practice Anthony got pissed and made us do 10 sets 50 meters, butterfly. Fun. Actually, no, more like hell. Then I came home and worked on homework and now I'm taking a break to right in this so I don't go over my limit of one week without updating.
No waterpolo practice tomorrow or Friday so I have some more time to catch up on homework. Man, I'm doing all this work and guess what? I'm still behind. Saturday is my first day at CYO. CYO last 9 to noon, but I have to be at the pool deck noon to 3 to work the clocks for the waterpolo tournament, so that's a bit of bad planning there. Bye.


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