This entry is riddle with typos. Sorry.
Thursday was Carly's birthday so.. Happy Birthday Carly! lol, yeah.
Friday was the last day of summer school, and here's how it went down for shizzle: (im using 'shizzle' as a noun, by the way, so its grammaticaly correct to put a colon after it) For the past year, first year in high school, I've gotten nothing bug A's in all my classes, including last year's summer school and Chinese school on the weekends. I think this is the longest run of straight A's I've ever had. I middle school I would get like straigh A's for one semester and then the next one my grades would be scattered. But having straight A's for the past year really got to me and I felt like I had to hold it up. First semester chem, I ended it with a 94% without really trying. I guess this 'not trying' mentality carried over to the next semester, and within the first week, my average was a 78%. So realizing that I had to get my ass into gear, I started working toward's an A, and within the next 2 weeks, I had aced every test, quiz, and homework assignment we had, getting 100%'s and sometimes even more because of the extra credit. But even then, the last day of summer school chem I had a an 89%. Exactly 89%. So it all came down to what I got on the final. The first 2 hours of school was just screwing around with Thomas, Wes, Kevin, and Scott while we were supposed to be studying. When the final came around, I felt like I did 'okay,' but I knew I wouldnt get a perfect paper... I predicted my grade to be a B+ or A-. Later that night I went on learningpoint to check my grade, and under the last set of grades that my teacher posted he wrote "I've given 2 students with B+ above 89% an A-. I load up my grades to see what I got, and I GOT AN 90% ON THE FINAL SO MY AVERAGE WAS NOW AN 89.12% YEEEAAAHHHH!! So I pulled off an A this semester, but it came a hell of a lot of work and a little bit of luck.
That same day, I got Doom 3. Holy hell, that game brings back memories from when I played the first two Doom games back in the early 90's when I was in like kindergarten. But back then, everything was all pixelated and the monsters, while they looked ugly, didn't give me too much of a scare. But now, 10 years later, Doom 3 comes out, and I can honestly say that this game scares the piss out of me. Call me a pussy if you want, but seriously, this game is creepy. It messes with you phsychologically. I know I probably spelled that wrong. There are so many times when you're like "Okay, this room is clea- HOW THE HEL DID THAT THING GET BEHIND ME?!!o!)(*!?!" And, ahhhh.. the game is so damn dark, that it gives you a claustrophobic feeling that no other game does. Then there's the voice com thingy that you can hear people talking to each other in. You'll be running around and someone dials in, "NO! NO! JESUS CHRIST, NO! I DON'T WANT TO DIE! NO! AIEEEEEEEEEEEEADSFKLJ ASD *gurgle noises*" Or you're wakling down a hallway and suddently a corpse drops from the ceiling but its foot is stuck to it so its hanging there in midair and you hear whispers that say to you, "Save me... save me..." It doesn't help when almost every room you go into has blood smeared all over the floor and walls and limps and corpses threwn all around. Then there are times when you're feeling pretty good about yourself, you open a door to enter a room, and then as you take a step towards the door, a jolt shoots through the whole facility and the lights inside the room flicker out and you think to yourself, "fuck.. I don't really want to go in there anymore..." Its time like those that make me wonder whether I can truly stand to play the rest of this game. Some people have clocked the playing time to be well over 25 hours. Can I stand to play in this type of hell for so long? I've never been afraid of a computer game until now. It truly is messed up.
On a brighter note, Carly's birthday party was on Friday night :P. It was pretty cool, with a 50's theme and a hell of a lot of people there. I'd name them off, but there are too many. A lot of people dressed up, but I wasn't one of them. Instead I wear a red shirt. Yeah! Red shirt!
I did almost absolutely nothing on Saturday except get down and dirty with my new car (new used car, anyway). My dad walked me through all the things under the hood, I checked the break pads after taking off all the wheels, stuff like that.
Then today, Sunday, I spent most of time at home until the afternoon when my family went to see the new Costco deep in Poway. I can't say that I liked it better that the one in Carmel Mountain. But hey, it was a chance to get to see a new area that I usually just pass by on the way to the paintball field that I go to. After that, I went to my Grandma's house in El Cajon and me and my uncle went to the local Albertsons to buy some cream soda and strawberry ice cream. Nothing like spending a Sunday evening drinking cream soda and eating strawberry ice cream. Hmm... cream soda and straberry ice cream.. I think I'll go have some now. lol.
Thursday was Carly's birthday so.. Happy Birthday Carly! lol, yeah.
Friday was the last day of summer school, and here's how it went down for shizzle: (im using 'shizzle' as a noun, by the way, so its grammaticaly correct to put a colon after it) For the past year, first year in high school, I've gotten nothing bug A's in all my classes, including last year's summer school and Chinese school on the weekends. I think this is the longest run of straight A's I've ever had. I middle school I would get like straigh A's for one semester and then the next one my grades would be scattered. But having straight A's for the past year really got to me and I felt like I had to hold it up. First semester chem, I ended it with a 94% without really trying. I guess this 'not trying' mentality carried over to the next semester, and within the first week, my average was a 78%. So realizing that I had to get my ass into gear, I started working toward's an A, and within the next 2 weeks, I had aced every test, quiz, and homework assignment we had, getting 100%'s and sometimes even more because of the extra credit. But even then, the last day of summer school chem I had a an 89%. Exactly 89%. So it all came down to what I got on the final. The first 2 hours of school was just screwing around with Thomas, Wes, Kevin, and Scott while we were supposed to be studying. When the final came around, I felt like I did 'okay,' but I knew I wouldnt get a perfect paper... I predicted my grade to be a B+ or A-. Later that night I went on learningpoint to check my grade, and under the last set of grades that my teacher posted he wrote "I've given 2 students with B+ above 89% an A-. I load up my grades to see what I got, and I GOT AN 90% ON THE FINAL SO MY AVERAGE WAS NOW AN 89.12% YEEEAAAHHHH!! So I pulled off an A this semester, but it came a hell of a lot of work and a little bit of luck.
That same day, I got Doom 3. Holy hell, that game brings back memories from when I played the first two Doom games back in the early 90's when I was in like kindergarten. But back then, everything was all pixelated and the monsters, while they looked ugly, didn't give me too much of a scare. But now, 10 years later, Doom 3 comes out, and I can honestly say that this game scares the piss out of me. Call me a pussy if you want, but seriously, this game is creepy. It messes with you phsychologically. I know I probably spelled that wrong. There are so many times when you're like "Okay, this room is clea- HOW THE HEL DID THAT THING GET BEHIND ME?!!o!)(*!?!" And, ahhhh.. the game is so damn dark, that it gives you a claustrophobic feeling that no other game does. Then there's the voice com thingy that you can hear people talking to each other in. You'll be running around and someone dials in, "NO! NO! JESUS CHRIST, NO! I DON'T WANT TO DIE! NO! AIEEEEEEEEEEEEADSFKLJ ASD *gurgle noises*" Or you're wakling down a hallway and suddently a corpse drops from the ceiling but its foot is stuck to it so its hanging there in midair and you hear whispers that say to you, "Save me... save me..." It doesn't help when almost every room you go into has blood smeared all over the floor and walls and limps and corpses threwn all around. Then there are times when you're feeling pretty good about yourself, you open a door to enter a room, and then as you take a step towards the door, a jolt shoots through the whole facility and the lights inside the room flicker out and you think to yourself, "fuck.. I don't really want to go in there anymore..." Its time like those that make me wonder whether I can truly stand to play the rest of this game. Some people have clocked the playing time to be well over 25 hours. Can I stand to play in this type of hell for so long? I've never been afraid of a computer game until now. It truly is messed up.
On a brighter note, Carly's birthday party was on Friday night :P. It was pretty cool, with a 50's theme and a hell of a lot of people there. I'd name them off, but there are too many. A lot of people dressed up, but I wasn't one of them. Instead I wear a red shirt. Yeah! Red shirt!
I did almost absolutely nothing on Saturday except get down and dirty with my new car (new used car, anyway). My dad walked me through all the things under the hood, I checked the break pads after taking off all the wheels, stuff like that.
Then today, Sunday, I spent most of time at home until the afternoon when my family went to see the new Costco deep in Poway. I can't say that I liked it better that the one in Carmel Mountain. But hey, it was a chance to get to see a new area that I usually just pass by on the way to the paintball field that I go to. After that, I went to my Grandma's house in El Cajon and me and my uncle went to the local Albertsons to buy some cream soda and strawberry ice cream. Nothing like spending a Sunday evening drinking cream soda and eating strawberry ice cream. Hmm... cream soda and straberry ice cream.. I think I'll go have some now. lol.
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