I really don't feel like updating, but I promised, so here goes.
Alright, so last night Chris called me up asking if I wanted to go with him and a few guys to see "Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" with Nick Gonzales and Jake Hodgens buying the tickets for us into the rated R movie. When I get there, I see Chris, James, Jake, Nick Hoffman, Wes, and Robby. They're figuring out what we're gonna do instead of watch "Life Aquatic" cause Jake tried buying tickets and found out that you must be 21 or over to buy more than 2 tickets for any rated R movie (ghey). I have no clue where Nick Gonzales was. A few of us, me, Chris, Wes, and James, decided to watch "Meet the Fockers" instead so we go and buy tickets for it while the other guys didn't cause they had already seen it or something. But as we walk toward the theater for "Meet the Fockers," it was almost like a sign or something that "Life Aquatic" was the theater right next door. And also, there was a line to get into "Meet the Fockers" because the theater hadn't opened yet, and the line stretched past the door of "Life Aquatic," blocking it from view almost. Now, my mommy always told me to grab opertunity by the horns when it made itself readily available (=P), so we just walked into "Life Aquatic" with James bitching cause he was ascared that we were gonna get caught. Ahahahaha, sorry James, I had to say it.
About the movie itself: DAMN it was trippy. One of the wierdest, if not the wierdest, movie that I've ever seen. Especially the music. Jeeze, I can't even explain how trippy the music was. You have to hear it for yourself before you can understand. The movie was damn funny even though there was rarely a moment where I understood what the hell was going on. There was this one part when Captain Zissou was in a gunfight with Asian pirates inside an old abandoned building, and then scene changes so that the the camera showed the outside of the building, and the building suddenly explodes for no apparent reason. You can't help but wonder where the hell the explosion came from o.O. Then as they're hurrying to escape the island, Captain Zissou says, "Quick! Throw the key to their boat into the water! Wait, they might have an extra set. Whatever, just blow their boat up!" Funny as hell movie. I recomend you go watch it.
Right now.
Its much better than sitting here at your computer vegetating.
But I guess if you'd rather vegetate, you could read on.
From what I hear, Jake and Robby were at the top of the theater (everyone else was at the bottom cause there weren't any more seats when we snuck in), and Robby decides to just leave in the middle of the movie. Nick Hoffman is somewhere outside so Jake tries to sneak him in through the back door, but something goes wrong and it never happens. After the movie, me, Jake, Chris, and Wes go to Islands, where we see Robby with his Morman crew. By this time, James had gone home cause he "isn't allowed to stay out past 10." And we called Nick Hoffman and he's at home. He came and never even saw a movie. lol. Later, Jake ditches with another senior dude. Thats some pretty stellar movie planning right there =P. Most people ditched and one guy never even saw a movie. By the way, some guy in Islands had a stroke and paramedics had to be called in.
Yep. That was Thursday night. Tonight I went to the San Diego Auto Convention in Downtown. There's isn't really much to say about that.. there were like, a gazillion cars on display but I only payed any interest to the expensive ones =P. There was a hummer on a platform that was slanted at like a 60 degree angle, and the guy said that it was to demonstrate its braking system. Jeeeze. But then I saw that it was bolted down. Heh.
I really don't see the point of hummers. Meg sums it up quite nicely: "monster boxes put on top of the chassis of a regular old chevy truck." Seriously, drive one into an Iraqi hotspot and lets see how long you last. They're quite the gas chugger too, and not exactly environmentally considerate.
My dad must've looked under the engine of like half the cars there, and there are a little under a gazillion cars ~.<. Ahahaha, did anyone see the talking robot? That seemed to be real crowd pleaser. Or the Aston Martin cars? Their most expensive one was $250,000+. That's like James Bond times 20. Or the Bently priced at $385,000? I was listening to the guy talk about a Chrystler concept car, "0 to 60 in 3 seconds." Who would ever need that o.O.
Yep. For an update where I don't really feel like posting, thats one hell of a long update.