the Michael Pages


Thursday, December 16, 2004

Okay, forget the comments. I took them out cause they're gay and people either have to post as a blogger member, or post as anonymous. So comments are out, but that doesn't mean the chatterbox comes back.

Are people starting to crave an actual entry? I'll try my best...

Tuesday was the second full orchestra rehersal we had. Convenient that it just so happened to be on the day of the waterpolo banquet. Whats even better was that the rehersal was scheduled to be the hour right smack dab in the middle of banquet, which meant that there was no point trying to get to banquet before or after, anyways.

Atleast rehersal wasn't that bad. Or maybe all the winds and such were covering us over. Either way, I still think that we took a step back in terms of playing ability compared to last year. I just want this school orchestra year to hurry up and go away. I'm still deciding whether to rejoin next year.

If there's anything more to report about the past few weeks, then I've forgotten it.

It was windy as hell today. But you don't need to see it written here to know that =P.


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