Queen - Under Pressure
For a moment there, you thought it was that Vanilla Ice song, didn't you? :P Queen came up with the original melody.
Yeesh, my summer's been so busy. With summer school, waterpolo, orchestra mentoring stuff, hospital volunteering stuff, I don't have too much time for anything else. Notice that I haven't even mentioned summer assignements for AP classes, either.
My 4th of July was pretty cool. I woke up early for the all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast that my neighborhood holds every year, then I went to the Mira Mesa park to check out all the activities and carnival rides and stuff that they had. Around noon, I watched the Mira Mesa parade, then I drove over to RB, and watched the parade there, too. At night we were gonna stay at the Mira Mesa Park to watch the fireworks that are shot off from MMHS, but we decided to watch it at home on our roof instead. Great way to top of a great day, I guess.
I also saw the fireworks show at WV on Saturday night. I saw a lot of people that I haven't seen in a long time there. Some of them include David Nyguen (we used to be like bestest friends back in middle school.. haven't seen him in 3 years), Jeff Summers, Chris, Minnich, Matt Stevens, Howard Barker (I haven't seen that kid since 6th grade after he moved to Greece or whatever. He's in town for vacation), and a bunch of other people. I also met a lot of new people, which was cool.
adsfkljdsa, you won't believe what happened at my last driver's license test. I had been sitting in my car in the blazing sun for more than an hour in line. For some reason, there was only one tester, so the line would only move like once every 20 minutes. Every time the line moved, I would turn the engine on, move up one spot, and then turn it off and wait another 20 minutes or so. So after I had been doing this for like an hour and a half, I was freakin NEXT to go. The tester was freakin walking towards me and flipping to my papers on her clipboard. I try starting the engine, and all I hear are a series of "clicks." Apprently, the battery had died. The tester was like, "Aww, poor kid. Looks like you'll have to go in and make another appointment." So we pushed my car into the parking lot, and some friendly guy had jumper cables on hand so in less than 5 minutes my car was back up and running. I go beg the tester if I can get back in line, I don't even mind waiting another hour. But she's like, "Sorry, we're booked solid today and we're already behind schedule. You're just gonna have to go in and make another appointment." Dude, its not like they were on schedule when I was in line, so if I came out and got back into the line, I don't see how that would've slowed them down anymore than they had already been slowed down originally. So I go in and make another appointment, and the earliest available date isn't for another month -_-. Just my luck.
Anyways, we should go to the beach some time. There hasn't been a bad weather-ed day since the beginning of summer vacation. And having summer school every day, its like a slap in the face.
And lastly, I usualy make an effort to share some mindblowig artwork when I come across it. Here's one that I procrastined on for a few weeks. "Wish."
(Click to Enlarge)
For a moment there, you thought it was that Vanilla Ice song, didn't you? :P Queen came up with the original melody.
Yeesh, my summer's been so busy. With summer school, waterpolo, orchestra mentoring stuff, hospital volunteering stuff, I don't have too much time for anything else. Notice that I haven't even mentioned summer assignements for AP classes, either.
My 4th of July was pretty cool. I woke up early for the all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast that my neighborhood holds every year, then I went to the Mira Mesa park to check out all the activities and carnival rides and stuff that they had. Around noon, I watched the Mira Mesa parade, then I drove over to RB, and watched the parade there, too. At night we were gonna stay at the Mira Mesa Park to watch the fireworks that are shot off from MMHS, but we decided to watch it at home on our roof instead. Great way to top of a great day, I guess.
I also saw the fireworks show at WV on Saturday night. I saw a lot of people that I haven't seen in a long time there. Some of them include David Nyguen (we used to be like bestest friends back in middle school.. haven't seen him in 3 years), Jeff Summers, Chris, Minnich, Matt Stevens, Howard Barker (I haven't seen that kid since 6th grade after he moved to Greece or whatever. He's in town for vacation), and a bunch of other people. I also met a lot of new people, which was cool.
adsfkljdsa, you won't believe what happened at my last driver's license test. I had been sitting in my car in the blazing sun for more than an hour in line. For some reason, there was only one tester, so the line would only move like once every 20 minutes. Every time the line moved, I would turn the engine on, move up one spot, and then turn it off and wait another 20 minutes or so. So after I had been doing this for like an hour and a half, I was freakin NEXT to go. The tester was freakin walking towards me and flipping to my papers on her clipboard. I try starting the engine, and all I hear are a series of "clicks." Apprently, the battery had died. The tester was like, "Aww, poor kid. Looks like you'll have to go in and make another appointment." So we pushed my car into the parking lot, and some friendly guy had jumper cables on hand so in less than 5 minutes my car was back up and running. I go beg the tester if I can get back in line, I don't even mind waiting another hour. But she's like, "Sorry, we're booked solid today and we're already behind schedule. You're just gonna have to go in and make another appointment." Dude, its not like they were on schedule when I was in line, so if I came out and got back into the line, I don't see how that would've slowed them down anymore than they had already been slowed down originally. So I go in and make another appointment, and the earliest available date isn't for another month -_-. Just my luck.
Anyways, we should go to the beach some time. There hasn't been a bad weather-ed day since the beginning of summer vacation. And having summer school every day, its like a slap in the face.
And lastly, I usualy make an effort to share some mindblowig artwork when I come across it. Here's one that I procrastined on for a few weeks. "Wish."
(Click to Enlarge)

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