"Nowhere Man" by the Beatles.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Sunday, May 15, 2005
SNL's "I Need More Cowbell" skit with Christopher Walkin never gets old. Never, I say.
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Not really in the mood for a post. Lately, I've never been.
The multiple choice section of the AP Art History AP test was pretty hard I thought. But the essay section was ridiculously easy. And thankfully, the essay section is worth 60% of the test.
After AP tests, school has gotten unimaginably easy, almost like some sort of weird dream o.O. There are a lot of times when I feel like there's something to be done for school... and then I realize that there's no homework. Huh. It doesn't help that I have about an extra 2 hours in my day now that swim is over. Thats a feeling I'll have to learn to get used to again, haha.
What the hell is up with the DMV? A while ago, I called to make an appointment for my behind-the-wheel test to get my license, and they told me that the earliest date available was the 9th of May. I asked if I could schedule it a few days later, cause my permit wouldn't reach 6 months until the 19th, and they told me to call back in a few days. A few days later, I called again and this time they said that the earliest day for them was the 7th of June ~.! Yeah, thats some sort of messed up system they have there. So now I won't be getting my license until like 3 weeks after I could have already gotten it -_-.
Okay, I'm done!
The multiple choice section of the AP Art History AP test was pretty hard I thought. But the essay section was ridiculously easy. And thankfully, the essay section is worth 60% of the test.
After AP tests, school has gotten unimaginably easy, almost like some sort of weird dream o.O. There are a lot of times when I feel like there's something to be done for school... and then I realize that there's no homework. Huh. It doesn't help that I have about an extra 2 hours in my day now that swim is over. Thats a feeling I'll have to learn to get used to again, haha.
What the hell is up with the DMV? A while ago, I called to make an appointment for my behind-the-wheel test to get my license, and they told me that the earliest date available was the 9th of May. I asked if I could schedule it a few days later, cause my permit wouldn't reach 6 months until the 19th, and they told me to call back in a few days. A few days later, I called again and this time they said that the earliest day for them was the 7th of June ~.! Yeah, thats some sort of messed up system they have there. So now I won't be getting my license until like 3 weeks after I could have already gotten it -_-.
Okay, I'm done!
Monday, May 09, 2005
A man and his melon.

Aheheh, today was a great day.
The multiple choice on the APEC AP test was easy peasy for me. The easy section screwed me over.
Next AP test up: art history.
JV swim's last meet was last Friday, and I had to miss it because of the APEC test. What a bummer.
After AP tests are over, school just gets unimaginably easy for the rest of the year. Can you tell that I'm stoked?!)(&!
I actually sorta kinda really like the music that we're playing in the school orchestra. I'd put it in here, but I'd like you all to come to our last concert in June and hear it then =).
CYO's tour next year is to Helsinki, Moscow, and St. Petersburg. Yeah, Finland and Russia. I reeaaallly want to go. Better start saving up now to meet that nearly $3,500 price tag.

Aheheh, today was a great day.
The multiple choice on the APEC AP test was easy peasy for me. The easy section screwed me over.
Next AP test up: art history.
JV swim's last meet was last Friday, and I had to miss it because of the APEC test. What a bummer.
After AP tests are over, school just gets unimaginably easy for the rest of the year. Can you tell that I'm stoked?!)(&!
I actually sorta kinda really like the music that we're playing in the school orchestra. I'd put it in here, but I'd like you all to come to our last concert in June and hear it then =).
CYO's tour next year is to Helsinki, Moscow, and St. Petersburg. Yeah, Finland and Russia. I reeaaallly want to go. Better start saving up now to meet that nearly $3,500 price tag.