Final-fucking-ly, Blogger has put in the function to add comments and choose your own name to appear by your comment. No longer do you have to be a member of blogger to post one. And so because of that, I've enabled the comment thingy. Have fun.
This is one hell of a slow week.. I just want these last few days to hurry up and be over with so that we can get to that week off. Today especially was pretty damn shitty. Not finishing a math test and not being able to come in any other time to do it, losing 3 consecutive games of badminton in PE, and orchestra. After orchestra was my music lesson where I didn't even have enough friggin time to practice for this whole damned week. Then I'm home to read like 10 pages of APEC and work on the humanities project.
And what the hell? Chamber orchestra is once again mandatory for all first violins, which means there goes another one of my nights to an extracurricular activitiy -_-. I'm seriously not sure I have enough time for it, but what does Torns care? He just needs people so that the program doesn't get cut. Atleast the music is easy enough.
The only good part about today was the sundae I got from the Costco food place after school. Yay. lol.
Alright, I'm done bitching.
This is one hell of a slow week.. I just want these last few days to hurry up and be over with so that we can get to that week off. Today especially was pretty damn shitty. Not finishing a math test and not being able to come in any other time to do it, losing 3 consecutive games of badminton in PE, and orchestra. After orchestra was my music lesson where I didn't even have enough friggin time to practice for this whole damned week. Then I'm home to read like 10 pages of APEC and work on the humanities project.
And what the hell? Chamber orchestra is once again mandatory for all first violins, which means there goes another one of my nights to an extracurricular activitiy -_-. I'm seriously not sure I have enough time for it, but what does Torns care? He just needs people so that the program doesn't get cut. Atleast the music is easy enough.
The only good part about today was the sundae I got from the Costco food place after school. Yay. lol.
Alright, I'm done bitching.
dude this music is pink panther on ecstasy
Anonymous, at 2/16/2005 7:33 PM
michael sun is the biggest slut in the world.
Anonymous, at 2/17/2005 8:11 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Peter D. Lai, at 2/17/2005 10:54 PM
Anonymous, at 2/18/2005 9:26 PM
10 pages?? try reading 30+ pages at lunch... on a friday... what fun.... but this is cool... commentcommentcomment
Anonymous, at 2/21/2005 7:47 PM
oh that was me
Anonymous, at 2/21/2005 7:48 PM
You removed peter's (probably decent) comment but not the offensive Jesus one? dork dork dork
Anonymous, at 2/22/2005 9:58 PM
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