Eeeee! Westview's Prom is in one week!#!1!! I'm so excited, I just can't hide it! I don't actually know that song.. just that one phrase. And I'm sure that for a lot of people its the same, especially thanks to Mr. Currie.
I started reading Angel and Demons today, after its been sitting on my desk for nearly a year. In the first 10 pages, you find out that Robert Langdon was a diver, swimmer, and water polo player at Harvard. I already had a liking for him before, but now its like.. multiplied by 234098123.
I had a stroke of good luck today. I filled up my car's empty gas tank with only twenty dollars. Crazy, eh? So I pulled up to one of the pump stations at the Arco by my house, take out two twenty dollar bills, and head over to the self service paying machine thing. The first thing it asks you to do is select your pump station number, so I entered "2," but the machine told me that station 2 was already in use. Puzzled, I walked back to my car and verified that I was indeed at station 2. I go back to the service machine and try again, but it gives me the same message, so I head back to my pump station. Then I notice that the digitalized message on the screen of the pump reads "please remove nozzle and begin fueling" as if I had already put in money. I glanced around half expecting somebody to run over and explain that they had accidently put money into the wrong pump, even though I knew that wouldn't happen because they wouldnt't know which pump station the money would have gone to. So I put the nozzle in my car and begin fueling up, wondering just how much money had been put in. It kept up until the dial read $20.00. Since it takes that much to fill half my tank, I went back over to the service station and put in one of my two twenty dollar bills, and this time it worked. So I filled my tank up the rest of the way, and after the whole thing was over, I only paid twenty of my own dollars to fill my tank that held forty dollars worth of gas. I was pretty happy :P. Its like I found twenty dollars on the sidewalk. Although now that I think about, someone was probably wondering where they had accidently entered their twenty dollars into. Hmm. Ah well, it was their own fault, ahahahah.
This is pretty pathetic.. writing about my adventures at the gas station.
I started reading Angel and Demons today, after its been sitting on my desk for nearly a year. In the first 10 pages, you find out that Robert Langdon was a diver, swimmer, and water polo player at Harvard. I already had a liking for him before, but now its like.. multiplied by 234098123.
I had a stroke of good luck today. I filled up my car's empty gas tank with only twenty dollars. Crazy, eh? So I pulled up to one of the pump stations at the Arco by my house, take out two twenty dollar bills, and head over to the self service paying machine thing. The first thing it asks you to do is select your pump station number, so I entered "2," but the machine told me that station 2 was already in use. Puzzled, I walked back to my car and verified that I was indeed at station 2. I go back to the service machine and try again, but it gives me the same message, so I head back to my pump station. Then I notice that the digitalized message on the screen of the pump reads "please remove nozzle and begin fueling" as if I had already put in money. I glanced around half expecting somebody to run over and explain that they had accidently put money into the wrong pump, even though I knew that wouldn't happen because they wouldnt't know which pump station the money would have gone to. So I put the nozzle in my car and begin fueling up, wondering just how much money had been put in. It kept up until the dial read $20.00. Since it takes that much to fill half my tank, I went back over to the service station and put in one of my two twenty dollar bills, and this time it worked. So I filled my tank up the rest of the way, and after the whole thing was over, I only paid twenty of my own dollars to fill my tank that held forty dollars worth of gas. I was pretty happy :P. Its like I found twenty dollars on the sidewalk. Although now that I think about, someone was probably wondering where they had accidently entered their twenty dollars into. Hmm. Ah well, it was their own fault, ahahahah.
This is pretty pathetic.. writing about my adventures at the gas station.
be excited for MC prom too!
Anonymous, at 5/28/2006 9:58 PM
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