the Michael Pages


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

*updated* (I forgot a few dates)

I feel like a gabillion pounds have been lifted off my shoulders. Shiiiyet, son, AP tests and SATs are over! I'm officially done with Collegeboard standardized tests for this year. What makes me feel even better is that I'm pretty confident that I did fairly well on all of them. And finally, I'll hopefully have some free time to myself to do stuff like write in this thing again.

I'm seriously loving life right now.

Here's a list of dates to look foward to right now:

May 13 - paarttaaay
June 1 & 2 - bio camp with the craziest class on campus@!!
June 3 - WV's prom
June 4 - swim banquet
June 9 - maaaaaaybe possibly MC's prom
June something - dance across the decades
June 17 - music banquet
June 21 - last day of school (wahooo!)
June 23 - bonfire(?)
June 26 - Russha

Bring it on.


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