A bunch of us were playing a card game called Mao at lunch, and that provided for some hilarity. To make sense of these following snippets of conversation, it might help to know that in the game, talking isn't allowed unless the game is paused by someone saying "point of order," and when you put your last card down, you have to say "mao" to win.
Caitlin - *puts down her last card* Yes! I win!!
Jonathan - *hands her back a card* No you didn't. You didn't say "mao."
Caitlin - Yeah? Well you know what? FUCK mao.
Someone - Point of order. Whats going on?
Ambrose - Thats a gay reason to stop the game! END POINT OF FREAKING ORDER. LETS GO.
*game is going but stops on Emma*
Emma - Point of order. Its not my turn!
Someone - Who's turn is it, then?
Someone else - Its Emmas! End point of order.
Emma - Point of order! Its not my freaking turn!
Caitlin - Damn, this game is addicting. I wonder if there's like.. an online version. Haha, you'd have to be like *imitates typing* p-o-i-n-t o-f o-r-d-e-r.
Caitlin - *puts down her last card* Yes! I win!!
Jonathan - *hands her back a card* No you didn't. You didn't say "mao."
Caitlin - Yeah? Well you know what? FUCK mao.
Someone - Point of order. Whats going on?
Ambrose - Thats a gay reason to stop the game! END POINT OF FREAKING ORDER. LETS GO.
*game is going but stops on Emma*
Emma - Point of order. Its not my turn!
Someone - Who's turn is it, then?
Someone else - Its Emmas! End point of order.
Emma - Point of order! Its not my freaking turn!
Caitlin - Damn, this game is addicting. I wonder if there's like.. an online version. Haha, you'd have to be like *imitates typing* p-o-i-n-t o-f o-r-d-e-r.
way to give away 2 of the rules.
Anonymous, at 5/24/2006 5:09 PM
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